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At one time or another, most everyone forgets to take their dose or doses of medication. The risk of forgetting is even higher when patients take multiple drugs at different times of the day. This is referred to as patient compliance, and represents a growing problem within our healthcare system.   

Compliance, which means taking the right amount of the prescribed medicine at the right time, is being recognized as a major problem in healthcare today.  It is more costly and more serious than a number of major illnesses. For those of you that like statistics….here are some industry footnotes.

90% of outpatients are taking prescriptions improperly
60% of patients with 5 or more medications are non-compliant
50% of medication is not taken as prescribed
40% of patients with chronic diseases are non-compliant
34% of people forget to take their medication
33% of prescriptions aren't refilled in a timely manner
23% of nursing home admissions are caused by the improper use of medications
15% of prescriptions are for children 15 or younger
10% of all hospital admissions is contributed to non-compliance

Regardless of your perception regarding these statistics may affect you, there is ample and inarguable evidence that if you do not stay tired to your healthcare providers recommendations and prescription regime, the impacts are measurable.  Remaining non-compliant with a prescribed drug therapy will affect you in terms of increase in medical costs, contributing to prolonged or additional illnesses; and add to your daily stressors and quality of life. 


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